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New Zealand Certificate in Health and Wellbeing (Level 3)




31 Weeks


About the Course

Programme Start Dates

Monday 22 April 2024 (applications close 15 April) * date change from 8 April

Monday 17 June 2024 (applications close 10 June)

Monday 2 September 2024 (applications close 26 August)

Note: all intake dates are subject to change depending on number of enrolments

Tuition Fee

New Zealand Citizens or Permanent Residents - $3,070.00 (Kalandra Scholarships available)

Work Visa Holders - $4000 (can be paid by instalments)

Note conditions apply to the following for nz citizens/permanent residents;

Fees free maybe available please check the website

Student loans and allowances maybe available please check the website

Programme Overview

NZQF: Level 3

Total credits: 71

Delivery length: 31 weeks (including 2 holiday weeks)

Total learning hours: 710

Directed online learning: 20 hours per week. The programme is delivered ONLINE with no time off work required. Students are provided with an individual learning plan and are supported throughout their study by experienced lecturers.

Work placement: Clinical hours in own place of work (as appropriate). A minimum of 5 hours per week.

At successful completion of the Certificate in Health Assistance (Level 3) students will be awarded the New Zealand Certificate in Health and Wellbeing (Level 3) with a strand Healthcare Assistance.

Programme Purpose

Advancement in technology and medical knowledge, combined with an improvement in general living conditions, has resulted in much higher numbers of older aged people and those living with chronic disease and/or disabilities. The fastest growing age group in the world, is 80 years or older. In New Zealand, the number of people aged 65 plus doubled between 1988 and 2016, to reach over 700,000. This number is projected to double again by 2046, causing growing concern about a deficit in the number of Health Care Workers suitably trained and able to provide the care required. UN statistics suggest that 15% of the world’s population live with a disability, that requires support.

Kalandra’s purpose of this Health Care Support programme, is to meet this rapidly increasing demand for qualified Health Care Assistants. Educating carers, who are able to identify and understand the needs of their clients, in order to provide the optimal care and support to enhance their daily living experience or health outcome.

There are growing numbers of vulnerable people living in the community and cared for by family or community organisations. Kalandra has identified a need for those caring for others in the community or their homes, would benefit from accessing training at this level.

Programme Pathways

Employment Pathways: NZ Government Career Pathways Information

Graduates can be employed in roles such as:

  • Health Care Assistant – Aged Care, Primary and Acute Care, Therapeutic Programme Care.

  • Community Support Worker. 

  • Medical Practice Assistant, Dental Assistant.

  • Homecare Support Worker / Caregiver.

  • Hospital Orderly.

Education Pathways: Students who successfully complete the Certificate in Health Assistance (Level 3), with strands in Palliative Care, Physical Disability Support, Intellectual Disability Support, Community Care, and Mental Health Support, have met the requirements for entry into the New Zealand Certificate in Health and Wellbeing (Social and Community Services) (Level 4) with a strand in Mental Health and Addiction. It may lead on to further study in related health and wellbeing contexts such as the New Zealand Certificate in Health and Wellbeing (Advanced Care and Support) (Level 4), or in leadership and management.

Entry Criteria 

New Zealand Citizen or Permanent Resident/Resident Visa holders:

  • Must be currently employed in the Healthcare sector as a Health Care Assistant or in a similar capacity.

  • The learner holds the New Zealand Certificate in Health and Wellbeing (Level 2) or the equivalent qualification or minimum 6 months health care work experience.

  • Physically able to do the job.

  • Willingness to work with the older person.

  • Has the ability to complete course work and assignments, online.


Work Visa Holders (classed as International Students):

As per above, PLUS

  • English Language Certification:  General or Academic IELTS 5.0 overall (with no band less than 5.0) or an equivalent internationally recognised test. Certification must be no more than 2 years old and from one test.

  • Support of your employer, to study this programme.


To apply to this program, click here and book a FREE consultation with one of our education agents.

Your Instructor

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AU: Unit 11 31 Wentworth Street, Greenacre NSW 2190, Australia
PH: 3rd Floor, CCJ Building, Benny  S. Imperial St, Alt. Rd., Cabangan West, Legazpi City, Albay, PH
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